"Would you like some more tea Polly Prissypants?"

Tea parties should be like this.
By the way. Don't dare call it a tea party if there is no disobediance going on. The original Tea Party wasn't even civil. There were some tea parties that didn't happen because they did not have the proper permits. Put on your big boy and big girl pants folks.
It is time to clean house. And Senate.
Woohooo! Tea party here I come!
I'm thinking more Mad Hatter and March Hare.
"This watch is exactly TWO days slow."
Since I'm a little OCD, well, okay, alot OCD, I love things that have to be "cleaned"!
See how well angry white peoples' plans go. November and now this.
Calm and any color is the way to go.
(Ben - do not write that white is the absence of color or the combo of color or I will punch all of your blogs in the face.)
Jamie, that was pretty funny.
And I only have two.
Remeber 1994 and the contract with America. That is what happens when you make white Christians angry.
I wouldn't assume all the angry white people have Jesus in their heart.
Not even close.
This election was brought about by ceonservative apathy. Don't assume that I assume all are. I don't like the way money has been spent for 8 years. This stimulus package scares a lot of the people that have to pay for it. Again remember 1994. Think about it. The government ran pretty smooth from 1994 to 2000. Holy crap. Checks and balances actually work.
Dude - I didn't assume you thought it - you wrote it.
I also liked your spelling error which was a nice Freudian slip.
I said 1994 is what happens when you make this demographic angry. Waspish folks are in that demographic. And I am going to use that $25 Amazon card to buy something Newt Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity wrote. Now that is a stimulus package.
If you had typed that last comment first, then there would have been no confusion.
P.S. I put a block on the gift card, so you can only purchase stuff from authors who aren't sore losers.
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