Laying in bed last night trying not to go to sleep I was watching the new season. I also liked the show on discovery where people were climbing Mt. Everest. Both of these shows portray people (men and women, but mostly men) pushing themselves to the limit, physically and mentally. Both of these shows caused me to ask myself this question.
"Could I handle that kind of thing. Would I be able to stand up under the strain?"
But there is another question at the heart of that one.
"Am I man enough?"

Another question. Is it only dudes who get hurt right after saying these words, "Hey! Check this out!"
When other guys are saying, "Dude, we need to try that! I just sit down and mumble something about I'm glad I brought a book. Can't lose your fingers reading.
Well, unless you're REALLY bad at reading.
Maybe one day one of the youth will walk into Resonate and prove me wrong?
Yes, Joseph, it is only dudes who get hurt after saying, "hey, check this out". When women say these words, we are talking about a new hairstyle, new pair of shoes, new dress, new lipstick...well, you get the picture. We keep our fingers and toes intact. Nope, I would not climb Mt. Everest, I'm afraid of heights. No, I wouldn't be on a fishing boat or at sea doing anything, as I get seasick. I'm not a risk taker or an adventurer. My idea of adventure is going to Walmart without makeup....I'm just sayin'! :-)
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