There are all kinds of things that dogs can introduce boys to at an early age.
1. Responsibility.
2. The birds and the bees: "Hey dad, what is Spot doing with that other dog?"
3. Death. Either the sudden type: "Hey dad, why is Spot sleeping in the road?" Or the more natural type: Heart worms, tapeworms, parvo, anti-freeze.
4. Loyalty. The dog that I had when I was a kid would sit on the porch and wait for me to come home in the afternoons. We would play until it got dark. As I went through high school she would wait for me still. But I had outgrown her. This still makes me feel guilty. As I type this I think I might cry. And if these books/movies don't make you cry then there is a dark black hole where your soul should be.

Anyway, the boys might be getting a dog। They are a lot easier than making a little brother.
History teaches us you should not name the dog.
P.S. Your last line made me feel uncomfortable.
Billy will name any dog we get Dexter. I don't know why.
P.S. Especially since V-Day.
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