I am taking the month of July off (except for the occasionally post about bulls and bartenders).
I will be storming back onto the blogosphere in August and all of the things in my brain that have been itching to get out will appear with much more regularity in August.
I am also curious. Is there something that you would like for me to write about. Some smarty pants might think it would be funny to get me to write about feminine hygiene products. And it might very well be funny to get me to write about such things, the actual product would be far from funny. Horrifying even.
I have missed the grind of the blog. Prepare for some Pulitzer Prize winning stuff here on the Blogolog.
I DO look forward to more regular rantings. I don't get to gaze at my computer with condescension as much as I would like :)
I might be one of the two :-) I do get a lot of entertainment out of following yours, Jamie’s and Shawn’s blogs. When you start your Bible study you could make a separate blog and post your notes :-) keep up the good work
Oh my gosh! I was scrolling down and I thought the funny part was the guy in the hat! AHAHA!
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